Saturday, March 12, 2016

Last Goodbye

Last Goodbye
by me(whatever)

I take a deep breath,
a solitary night deepened in white.
On the jungle gym, I brush off the snow,
swinging back and forth to the milky way and back.

there might not be many people
who understand you and me,
as though we were left behind
by those around us,
the empty air to affront us
was filled with sludge.

This is the last goodbye
and the first hello.
on the stairs lit by windows,
conversations I've forgotten.
Like a secret base in the summer,
like a hide away in the winter,
I was there with you.
no one noticed.

time has fled and flown away,
to a place I'm no longer able to reach.
I've always been selfish; a normal human.
the type I despise, but...
in a selfishly altruistic way,
I truly loved you.

"Someone who understands me" -
that's what I said I didn't want, right?
Excuses made up for the pain that I didn't want to feel,
the same way lies work for someone who can't see past them.
So I can properly convey myself to you, I want
to see you as who you really, really are.

The snow flies past the windows,
as though I'm watching a scene from another world.
I take a deep breath, close my eyes,
take a wish from the galactic railroad.
I don't need to know you 100%,
just as you don't need to know me.
It's okay if I'm alone for the rest of my life,
because I have acquired what I have truly wanted.
after all.

This is the last goodbye.

It's kind of funny, right?
Despite all that time together,
did we really know who the other was?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

siina mota

siina mota
12/3/15 2:31 AM

the difference from E to Z.
batter to cake. dough to bread.
"If I could live my life, second by second"
March to December. Flower to snow.

the difference from 1 to 5.
top to bottom. Beginning to end.
"It was always terrible, but we were happy"
Kitten to cat. words to formulas.

the difference from green to blue.
Hello to goodbye. Strangers to friends.
"The toy I wanted is in my hand"
morning to night. Dark to light.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

by me(whatever)
to: 夜明けと蛍 cover by ゆう十

I only remember how cold the winter
is when it arrives.
I only remember who I am
when I'm with you.

If only I lived outside the atmosphere,
to pluck the stars from their stems.
If only I had chosen
a different person to become.

There is a phase
where you can't see the moon.
there is a place
that I can't seem to find.

Please show the Earth
the meaning of the universe.
Please take my hand and
tell me you love me.