Tuesday, January 4, 2011

#3 Whatomic / Holiday break

Well, the first thing that happened was my birthday. I celebrated it on Friday, December 17'th, the day we got out of school for Christmas Break. I didn't invite my friends over, because I'm in the state of mind that a birthday party is a present to your Friends instead, and that it's simply a pain. I didn't plan anything either, so it was a surprise when I got home from school and found the house clean, a cake in the oven, and Japanese groceries on the counter top (I love Asian food). That night I had a fun time with my family of misfits making and eating Sushi, miso soup, and chocolate cake. The sushi making was the funnest, and while a lot of you might cringe at the idea of eating raw fish, to me it was fine. Next, was Christmas. This actually isn't worth much writing about. You all know what Christmas is like. This year it was a bit different though. I celebrated it with only my sister, since my mom had to work(blegh) and everyone else was somewhere else. It was a pretty boring Christmas. Hmmm.........Whatever! Last was my brothers birthday on January 1'st. Yep, he's a New Years baby. I had a giant headache party Dec.31 and I felt about ready to kill him. At least I got Reese's :). And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, was my Holiday break. Not that you care.

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