Thursday, July 16, 2015

It's Not the End of the World. (Yet)

It's Not the End of the World. (Yet)
by me(whatever)
to: Yiruma's Greatest hits piano

at the end of the world,
if it ever happens.
Surely I'll be with you.
3 seconds until the dimensions close,
one shoe in hand.
Holding tight to the railing,
walking over the city.
There's not much left to tell you.
about myself, about you.
I want to fall headfirst into the universe,
stars and suns and empty blackness
where there's surely enough room
for me to exist.
Yes, it's only a pipe dream,
and I might have to wake up eventually.
There's snails traveling to Capella,
and I can't sleep with all their racket.
Even as she stares at that one far-away place,
fluffy ears, and twitching tail.
Atlas in hand. 
I must close my eyes, back-to-back.
The distance between us is growing more and more.
Well, I've always been alone.
This shouldn't feel any different.
To the mad scientists lair!
And the worlds only we have the map to.
There's no such thing as dragons,
except people.
Down the well, to god, to god.
I have to wonder (to you)
if my existence meant anything at all.
3 seconds until the flame burns out,
and look how the demons get riled up!
I had a dream once,
where I sledded down the hill
and fell off the edge of the earth.
I wonder where all those pathways went.
The ones I walked with you.
I need to sleep.
I need to sleep.

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