Monday, June 16, 2014

The Annexation of the Netherworld

The Annexation of the Netherworld
by me(whatever)
to Miku- Love Love Nightmare

The annexation of the netherworld,
I saw it in a dream.
laughing and dancing in the blood shed,
bestowing the crown on the young boy's head.

My boogie man crept out from the closet,
the ravenous shadows slunk from beneath the bed
to join the feast in the banquet hall,
laying the table pieces with the old man's skull.

The harpies began to sing in choir,
as the ghouls chopped down the sky-reaching tree.
The throne grinned at the top of the pedestal,
presenting it's fangs to hide the trepidation.

A castle black as night
holding demons in their invisible prison cells,
consuming each other, consuming themselves
throwing the remains in the river Cocytus.

I saw it in a dream,
a descending entropy as the roots drifted through Tartarus.
The young boy smiled within his trepanation
fastening the iron-fused crown to his separated cranium.

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