Tuesday, December 31, 2013


by me(whatever)
to Touch main theme

Throwing Life at
the dog that eats everything
searching for
a solution to boredom.

The individual pieces
resemble a jigsaw puzzle.
Why do humans
create things?

Iced over
sidewalk running the street.
a sentence
left unfinished to complete
the story. 

Moon Amusement Park

Moon Amusement Park
by me(whatever)
to Spinal Fluid Explosion Girl

spilling blood,
knife-sharp teeth,
a monster in the elevator
is that my arm in its mouth?


one-two on-tow
rowing for three
across the ferry,
the parts I've been divided by.

And look!

The park spins on,
the Ferris wheel
almost makes me feel in love.

Would you stop please,
it was hard to keep up,
with all your difficult words.

Rotting fingers
buried in a bag
Let's see if they still remember
your number.

And Look!

Circles, the park's in circles
people talking
dancing around,
let me join you.

Hug me,
kiss me,
I'm sure I'm beastly by now.

But how they dance!

Hit back and forth,
slashed throat,
unable to speak,
looks like there's no more time left for me. 


what's the time on the moon?
Surely it's still early,
so let the music play on.

Chewing on my brain,
maggots and mold.
the whole crypt
is painted my color.

And look!

four five, furo fevi
they haven't noticed yet,
and the park spins on,
on and on as the moon gets further down. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013


by me(whatever)
to Twinkle Melody

The snow is falling,
on this Saturday morning.
The gravitated cotton puffs,
blanket the world in a quilt.

Like blossoms opening their buds,
sakura spill from the clouds.
Descending to us from heaven,
a million white letters. 

It's a design,
the graffiti summers,
the monochrome winters.

millions of 6-pointed stars
shot down for children's wishes.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


by me(whatever)

If I told a story,
using a pencil or a pen,
about a soldier who stood
within the morning glory;
one-legged and made of wood,
In truth, after that
I wouldn't wish to speak again. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Paper Pioneer

Paper Pioneer
by me(whatever)
to Brain Crain- Dream of Flying

What should I do?
The world has left me,
turning in solitary orbit,
a door without the key. 

The birds have all fled,
from the trouble born ahead,
the rain is sloshing down,
falling on our paper town.

It's too soon to go",
the fishes grumbled in their sleep,
a disillusioned, occupied daydream
swimming dead in the deep.

the rings spin me in circles,
making me dizzy from your pearls
dug from beneath the sand
sweeping away a single strand.

to create something from nothing,
to start anew.
Someone said this a long time ago,
dripped in leaving blue.

Is that all you have to say?"
the beasts staringly accuse
surely there is a destination,
willing to suffer my abuse.

the birds have all fled,
from the trouble brewed ahead.
Hold my hand my dear,
here against the rain of fear,
my most precious, paper, puppeteer.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


by me(whatever)
to Ryuichi Sakamoto- Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence

late at night midwinter's eve,
a solitary walk in the cold misty air
Christmas lights string the pathway
filling the corners
from here to there;
kept all to myself
a distant dream.