Friday, August 5, 2011


It feels weird to read over the posts I did for my English class. They're really......lame. Anyways, nobody knows (yay, Suga Shikao! did anyone get that?) about this blog, and I think I intend to keep it that way. I'm a bit of a shy person, after all. I've been pretty bored lately, as it is summer, and I need to take a shower 'cause my hair is greasy(yuk). It seems Summer is coming to a rapid close.  It actually doesn't feel as bad as I thought it would be. I can deal with school, though it's tiresome. There's one question I'm dreading, though.  It's the ever classic " so what did you do this summer?" question invented by the teachers.  Like they're implying I actually Had to do something.  Isn't the point of summer to do nothing, and sleep in being the laziest person you possibly can?  Human logic is all backwards. Anyways, I'm changing the subject.

None of you know this except for my family, but I'm a huge fan of anime soundtracks. Of course that means I like anime too. A film can be decided in it's awesomeness because of the music, like a horror movie. Sound is not everything, of course, there also has to be the general shivers of art, humor, and above all epic cheesiness. And leading up to my main point, Here is Desiderium, which is from maho shoujo madoka magica. It gives me a nice feel. I also like Postmeridie. Just little 'ol life. You know? Anyways, I'm hungry, and I'm done writing for the moment. laters!

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