Sunday, November 30, 2014


by me(whatever)
to: Fullkawa Honpo- Haru no

city waves
library pages
plastic bags
unheard voices
numb fingers
brick walls
sailboat paint
concrete stairwell
muddied clouds
white headlights
rust alleyway
star fishing
pale wrist
violet eaves
waiting for
someone you
will never

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Chocolate Almonds

Chocolate Almonds
by me(whatever)
to: Yanagi Nagi- Finder

chocolate almonds,
fig bars,
sweet cranberries,
candy to nourish my brain.
Studying in a dim lighted room,
where one light bulb has already broken,
I listen to the same songs over and over.
Note writing about the universe,
I can't remember the last time I saw daylight.

I haven't written a poem in a while,
wandering about the normalcy's of life.
A fairytale future that I believed in as a child,
is turning out to be so different.
I have to write about Jupiter, it's red spot,
and it's four largest moons discovered by Galileo...
peek out the blinds at 4 in the morning,
dark, light, white, fields of rice,
we rush to the window, my cat and I,
it's snowing!

Let's say that I've solved all the mysteries,
and I've discovered what they say is "who I am".
Somehow trekking through problems, and finding "answers",
hasn't let me put one foot in front of the other.
a dusty book shelf I haven't touched in a while,
a Daruma doll with both eyes blank,
a pen running out of ink,
yet only writing worthless nonsense.
What's the difference between a meteor, meteoroid, meteorite?
If I could change my name by being where I am,
I would go immediately to your side.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Snow Knows

The Snow Knows
by me(whatever)
to: miku- snow knows

A little bit of time alone at my part-time job,
I stop sweeping, and grasp the handle.
Opaque skies, red, gold, greens clinging to the trees, 2 pm,
the first snow.

I wonder where you are,
and I wonder who you've become.
A window without glass standing in front of me,
blanketing the towers, grass, and forgotten summer toys.

white breaths,
black jackets,
red strings,
the snow knows.

the wooden railing is covered in glitter,
brushing it off impatiently, I peer over into the world.
white covers everything, like fresh sheets without ink,
and I fancy it's waiting to draw my voice away.

I wonder where you are,
and I wonder who you really were.
checkered gray concrete, blue numbers, silent streets, 3 pm,
the first snow.

white breaths,
black jackets,
red strings,
the snow knows.

I Don't Know how to Write a Story

I Don't Know how to Write a Story
by me(whatever)
I wrote this a few days ago, but never posted it, ...
I don't know the written date.

I don't know how to write a story.
If I start out with a line like that,
will it eventually bloom into reality?
(-Like a light blue bell flower in June.)
I don't know the setting,
where the wind blows on rain torn streets,
or where the fire burns steadily in the furnace,
and the old, gray cat curls on-top the lap
of a great oak grimoire.
I don't know the characters,
who wear suits and walk around the city
holding their little girl's pink umbrella
in their right hand, and the teenager,
who knows far too much of things to write equations
in her left hand.
I don't know the plot, either,
that fights dragons made of paper all on their own,
or sucks you into another world with no fire hydrants,
Christmas lights, Reese's pieces, or cellphone service.
I admit, I don't even know how to imagine
a story that I am not living.
I don't know how to lose myself
in the secret world that is inside
each and every human being.
I don't know how to escape
to a place
where you're not there.

So could you
remind me,
how to write a story?

Thursday, November 13, 2014


by me(whatever)
to: Namine Ritsu- Error
Error (guitar cover by Justin Ly)

Once upon a time,
there was a fairytale.
Listen closely, and you might hear it;
the gears of it clinking together. 

I was the princess,
and you were the evil witch.
Locked away within a tower,
neither of us could see much.

Is it broken?
Are you broken?
Your black fazed eyes gazed into the dark,
and to save yourself, you broke me.

Once upon a time,
there was a fairytale.
Listen close, there is the sound;
the gears of it thunking together.

You were the princess,
and I was the evil witch.
Without a deep forest to escape to,
neither of us could see much.

Is it broken?
Am I broken?
With no tangible words to hold onto,
I left my voice in the sea. 

Once upon a time,
there was a fairytale.
Listen closely, you can hear it;
the gears of it grinding together.

I was the princess,
and you were the evil witch.
without a single shard of shining armor to be found,
neither of us could see much.

Is it broken?
Are you broken?
without knowing what you were searching for,
you cried in pain.

Once upon a time,
there was a fairytale.
Hold your ears, the sound is overflowing;
the gears of it are clanging and breaking.

You were the princess,
and I was the evil witch.
without a spell to release us from our curse,
we couldn't see a single thing in front of us.

Is it broken?
Am I broken?
We both know there is no happy ending;
there is no easy solution.

Once upon a time,
there was a fairytale.
The machine broke down,
and all we have is tomorrow.

Once a long time ago,
there was a fairytale.
We are broken in this real world,
yes it is true; I hate you. 

A long time ago,
there used to be a fairytale.
If you want to heal us,
don't pretend there's a prince who's waiting.

Is it broken?
Are we broken?
The paper scraps of our story book
are floating in the wind.

There is no fairytale. 
If you want to heal us,
stay by our side, and slowly hand us tiny joys,
overflowing like pebbles in our hands,
until we break again.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Close to You

Close to You
by me(whatever)
to: Close to You (guitar Justin Ly) 
& Close to You (V flower cover)

Beyond the Earth is a single flower,
blooming 600 light years away from here.
I clenched my farewells in my wet palm
as your slowing voice echoed in my ear.

"thank you" "goodbye" "I'm sorry",
we drown over our heads in the rain that falls.
separating me from you,
I look up at the sky, and attempt to climb those gray walls.

there was too much to say,
there was too much I didn't understand.
Cassiopeia bursts a crack in the eggshell sphere,
and tells me to hold your hand.

"goodbye", I knew the meaning,
"never", I knew that too.
A spiral spinning in the galaxy,
this is all so I can be close to you.

From the sidewalk outside the hospital,
to the tiles inside the hallways of a high school,
aligning with the calm of polaris,
without even a wave in the night pool.

my voice won't reach, my eyes can't see,
600 light years away to where you've gone.
searching for your smile, there is a garden
blooming for you in the depths of dawn.

"goodbye", I knew how to close my eyes,
"never", I knew how to silence my voice.
a bouquet spinning in the blue,
this is all so I can be close to you.