Saturday, September 19, 2015


by me(whatever)
to: Forestpireo- not losing to the rain, not losing to the wind

tomorrow, when it will be sunny,
with the clouds as fluffy as unshorn sheep.
I'll take out the checkered blanket and basket,
walk up to the hill with the poppies,
and I'll have a picnic with the air.

the day after tomorrow, which was dark,
with the clouds like islands in the sky.
I stayed indoors all day, washing the dishes,
staring outside at the wind through the trees,
and sang a song no one could hear.

yesterday, when it was raining,
with the clouds as flat as marble.
I tread out of town with a lady-bug umbrella,
splashing quietly through the barren streets,
window-shopping for the teacups you wanted.

the day before yesterday, which will be snowy,
with the clouds reflecting the ground.
I will climb a tree without leaving footprints,
replay the music box from you, who's never met me
and watch the world disappear.

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