Saturday, November 26, 2011

Season of Flight

*wrote this listening to Suga Shikao- Sanagi. It sounds cooler if you listen to the song while reading it. (P.S. It's also at the bottom of the page- #31 in my playlist)

Season of Flight
11/22-23/11 Tues-wed.
by whatever

Cold has become a season of life,
Even if I held your hand,
I would still be frozen over,
Waiting to land.

Even if I believe in who I become,
I will still forget your name.
Simply waiting has never been enough;
enough to blame.

My memories have been interpreted,
in so many changing ways,
and if I spread my wings again,
time would run in days.

These lies aren't the only reason why I know,
and feeling half-alive to fall,
Will that sound come fly with me?
I am not a doll.

Then if I freeze over to change views,
and never feel anything again,
someday I would bloom those colors,
and a letter I would send.

This single dream I own,                                                                               
is the only one I have hope for,
and when I spread my wings again,
I will have hope for more.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Secret worlds of Thanksgiving, Ghibli neighbors, and 1 year of 100

So today was Thanksgiving. I think the reason people just skip Thanksgiving is because it's not a holiday with too much excitement. And it's right smack in the middle of the two most exciting holidays of the year. Well, that's kind-of what happened to me today. We went to my grandma's house, ate turkey, Lot's of pie, played a few games, visited with our relations, and after all that I fell asleep. I must be getting old. I mean, only old people actually fall asleep after eating turkey. It was the turkey. It attacked me with sheep jumping over fences. Noooo!, I'm not even 20, yet why? I've even seen white hairs! It got me when my guard was down and I was reading.

I think it's been about a year since I started writing in this blog. An English assignment turned into my personal diary. Well, not exactly personal. I have gotten more than 100 views! Thanks everybody for reading my weirdness! I hope you like it. I'm still pretty inexperienced, so be patient with me, I'm still figuring all this technology stuff out. Yeah! How weird it is....

I really love all the Ghibli movies. I've watched practically all the ones done by director Hayao Miyazaki. Anyways, a good, cute, comedy film that most people ignore is My neighbors the Yamadas. It's pretty much just about a normal family, and the animation isn't what you would call "detailed", but it's one of the funniest movies I've ever watched. The song I want to show you is from that film. It's the ending song. Here:Quit being alone. Hope you enjoy!

Secret World Mon. 11/21/11

I follow,
a path of dreams,
covering pain and grief.

I take,
a small, fluffy hand,
My best friend.

I feel,
Millions of shooting stars,
I reach out.

I hope,
while falling into clouds,
that my alarm clock would die!

*didn't write this to any particular tune. This is my love of the dream world I've created in my head. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Clear 11/23/10

*wrote this exactly a year ago! Listening to this song:A girl from wonderland (Yobi) There is also a version of this song with lyrics (It's also a movie trailer) Here: I remember (Yobi) If you ever get a chance to watch this movie, do it. It's beautiful.


When Holidays come around.
I still stay myself,
a soul can be changed
to a distant beat.

The leaves as their falling
The wind in the sky
I'll wrap a gift and
ship it to the clouds

to another world,
a heart of light
a bird of blue
A melody of hope

remember your gentleness
the innocence when you were born
quiet,still, and continuous
was your life

Never once
could I sail away
away from here
inside me and you, deep

Maybe I'm not there
Could it be?
the sun is colors
that save our lives

The voice of sorrow
Heard from you
could be given as rain
that helps clean the air

although I'm simple
don't give me heartache
elements of wonderland
comets to shined stars.

Say the WAY
into our bliss
cries into the distance
from wings of feathers

Meadows of beauty
light of morning on the dew
a new beginning
create everything

Could I be more?
potential violet
Scenes on the horizon

Breeze on spirits
whispering destiny
living as clear
As Love.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dreams of Horror Stories, Pets, and Star Melodies

There seems as if there is absolutely nothing in the world to write about. Absolutely nothing. Aren't I the boring one? The world is moving out there, and I have nothing to offer except my weirdness. And Poems. I wish someone would leave a comment..*sigh*. Though, I have no idea what they would say. Interesting. The person who commented on my first posts was my friend. Well, I guess nobody knows about this blog. I still can't decide if I want them to or not. Hmmmm..................

I've been having weird dreams lately, but I can't remember them. However, the ironic thing is that I actually remember having them. I just can't remember them. Has that ever happened to you? OH, my beautiful silent audience! Answer Meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But if you don't, it's okay k? I have an arising suspicion that my dreams have something to do with my sleek, black, emerald eyed, arched back male cat, and my brothers brown dog. However, I don't know for sure. Speaking of dreams, I think I actually have created an unconscious world of them in my sleep. I'll wake up one morning, unusually remembering the dream I had, and, as my amazed mind whirls, realize I've had that dream countless times before. It's pretty cool. But weird. Well, weird is my middle name. Oh, wait what was it again?

I have to start writing my horror story again. I haven't written it in a few weeks because of stupid schoolwork. This horror story is actually something my older brother, (Mass and Inertia), came up with for me to write. We were talking about zines, and it sounded cool to me. He told me I should write a short story zine about something. I took his opinion of on what, and as typically as someone could, he said horror. He loves horror for some reason I can't understand. I used to like horror when I was a little kid, but now as I have gotten older, I like my beauty sleep more. Anyways, about this horror story I'm writing, I'll post it up after I finish it. I won't tell you anything about it beforehand. That would be a very bad spoiler. (That is of course, if anyone in the world is even reading this.)

I suppose I have to post some more music. The peeps I shall talk about today are called FreeTempo. I like some of their music, but some of their music is like 'ughh'. But, anyways, I shall not complain, since I like them. my favorite song would probably be stars, and right after it Beautiful World. Melody is also one of my very favorites. If you have time you should also check out Dreaming and Sky High. They have some cool beats. Even my mother likes them, though I suppose that's not a very good argument. Whatever, here I have five songs for you. Enjoy them!