Friday, June 8, 2012

Before drawing my Night Blinds in the Summer Times

Before Drawing Blinds

by whatomic(me)-written June 2,2012 at 1:30 A.M. (random thoughts before I finally went to sleep)

The moon behind
my shoes scattered bewildered on the floor,
wrapped in a cocoon
a late night gamer below
even late in sleep
I still write unrelentlessly
graffitied on from two days ago
my eyes are heavy enough
to draw the blinds
to my world windows.
And my camouflaged flashlight,
my black and white tiger
taunt me to sleep
Against the wind,
in the garden outside, below
where water is sucked into the ground
The sprinkler that sounds
like someone breathing
A far-off memory,
and a guilty sharpness
covered in mists
A piano stringed mess
but no rain
out into the wistful world
I dream about
going to
one day.
My clarinet in a corner, A tuxedo trick? Comedy?
Hand tired.

I like to think I'm creative sometimes. Only some times. some-or times. summer times.

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