Friday, December 21, 2012

Upside Down views, stories, and Japanese Mythology

I'm not a perfect person, and somehow whenever I'm trying to write a blog post on here, it always ends up a poem. I wonder why that is? Sometimes I stop a think for a second, a the world changes as I view it. Usually I look at it from upside down and sideways, because that's the most fun approach, although it can also be painful. It's different from a straight path to every destination. You look past the mark, and that is what hurts you. But, you know? Upside down is the best way to see the sky.

I want to write a story. I've gotta figure out an idea first. I always want a new one after a while. I want to write something including Japanese spirits/ mythology, and then I want to write something about steam-punk. I want to mix everything together, so it doesn't make sense, and then I want to make a simple story with one concept. But the main thing I can't come up with is ideas. Only themes. MEHH. I feel blocked. See, I can't even think of what I'm writing right now. I don't know if I can finish this post.

My brothers are so annoying. I could write paragraphs on that, but I probably shouldn't. They always leave the toilet seat up, and leave the door open so it freezes me. And they swear, and are dead weights everywhere. So annoying! I guess brothers are like that though. But, really. Don't they at least have the sense that its Winter instead of Summer!? Now I'm going to the library. Random but true. I have the goal set in my brain and deep, dark black heart to get at least one book on Japanese mythology. I love that stuff. I started reading about it on Wikipedia, and of course I liked it, especially the 'Bakeneko' and Kamaitachi' stories. So interesting. I don't think I have too much patience for anything that has less than 50% interesting. Gosh.


  1. I was actually wondering why most of your posts were poems. Now I know. yeah, I know the pain. Your mind might find the vibe to write...but you may not know how to write it. *sigh* the human mind has ways of doing things like that. I have an annoying brother but I guess he's not as bad. Don't worry you'll live through it.

  2. I know. "I keep find reasons to keep living". Life is like that. You're alive until you're dead.
