Sunday, December 30, 2012

River of Two, but Still One

River of Two, but still One
by me(whatever)

A river runs through me,
separating myself into two.
I can remember from far back,
those simple songs of childhood.
If I could only return to them,
The water would carry both of me
afloat on its back.

A Summers day across the rope swing,
my poems are never poems.
Water coloring the sky portrait,
I pause to remember
it was my diary locked in code,
my feelings in a bucket with a tight lid,
leaking out like blood across blue seas

I dream with a headache,
all when the sun is shining.
Revealing his horribly happy face,
I wake up with a nostalgic feeling.
Trying to remember it's name; my name
Letters scattering like clouds
changing songs to alternate an endless me
The river splitting into many streams,
running over a slowly drowning body.

I think I found it! I think I found it!
Reaching out far to a bank or any kind of sand
slipping through my fingers
That day, when did you lose your own voice?
That name is something you may not say.

It's not an ending yet.
If this was a story, it would be happy
or sad with a lesson,
but all I can see with these separated eyes,
is the other person standing there,
on the other bank.

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