Sunday, January 13, 2013

I know it makes no sense, this Electrocuted Yellow Bunny

Electrocuted Yellow Bunny

A bunny named Yellow(also the color) was walking down RabiStreet, humming a stupid song to itself. And the chief of police came along and banned it. she said, "What are you doing here?" And she dragged the yellow fluff along to prison. In the prison the yellow thing finally realized what was going on, and with blood dripping, it tried its hardest to escape, but it got captured by the back of it's neck, and an officer passing by helped while smiling creepily. The bunny cried out as it was put in the electric chair. It became an electrocuted bunny, with it's hair sticking out and feeling awfully out of place. It's limbs became unstuck and attached to other strange places, like an arm on its head and behind. With her brain in her rear end, she felt like contradicting everything. She's learned that candy is NOT the cure for everything, and even though she may be wearing sunshine, there was only a Kuchisake Onna underneath, Wa ha ha. The bunny was kept sitting in the unpleasant chair, dripping blood for three hours, regretting not escaping while she had a chance. The officer turned out to be a Baba Yaga; an old gruesome lady that eats children. And you may have learned of that certain lady who caught two children who ate her house of candy, and put an idea into her head to eat the brother? She was also a Baba Yaga, and that is exactly the type we're talking about.

sorry about that. I wrote it in church.

Bleh, it's my hero, Baba Yaga. I love her. And here's my crappy drawing, enjoy it or die.

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