Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Tree of Hope

The tree of hope
by me(whatever)
to this song/video: Moonlight Restaurant

The tree of inborn eternal light,
In the background of a million stars,
I curl up next to it
and fall asleep.

All the villagers, down below
have already come to pay their respects.
Two hundred golden candles
glowing for the years.

I watch from above,
invisibly touching every flame.

Within the sunshine leaves,
a thousand eyes peer out at me.
A lone spirit who decided to stay behind,
wishing to use their own gateway.

My memories have already withered away,
but in the cold night I remain.
In the changing seasons, I remain the same
Smiling, yet already withered away.

I grant them blessings,
the ones who killed me.
For the day I die,
I grant them blessings.

The moon still leaks its white tears,
shedding them,
dripping sap off my limbs.
I own no hatred.

Two hundred years of prosperity,
the greed is reflected in their hope.
When they pass away,
Some come to me:
a gateway to Heaven.

A loneliness I never knew I had,
remains locked, buried beneath roots.
Your night has already come to an end,
Yet you remain in the morning. You remained.

Two lovebirds nest in my branches, twittering contently.
a pitchfork scratches it to the earth,
twigs still locked together.
I envy the foolish and the rash.

A gateway to Heaven,
A gateway to prosperity.
Again the tree looks towards it's dream,
the dream it can only grant for others.

What is Heaven?
Is it the spring blossoms
I've never bloomed?
Or was it the time I spent with you?

Two hundred years.
Glowing for you.

Safely stowed away,
it opens, buried beneath dull roots.
Feelings withered away
stretched into a single bud.

The marching parade of hope
climb the hill to meet me.
Opening their mouths to sing
their song I've changed to a lullaby.

All their hopes and dreams,
I've learned to listen.
They wrap their spindly arms around me,
and burn me to the ground.

The tree of eternal light,
I watch it in a bonfire of love.
the glowing ash remains.

Finally free.

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