Tuesday, September 30, 2014


by me(whatever)
to: Ghosts in the Forest 1UP Suicide remix

Wake up at 3 pm,
the cicadas scream through.
This wood where I've dwelt since ?
a boy is crunching through.

Tent, rope, and granola's,
the birds chirp their greetings,
a new object to study,
he feels a breeze on his face.

The world is so boring, and yet,
that's not why we don't need it.
How long will you wait?
On this path away from people.

Sometimes at night you shiver,
from a temperature I no longer feel.
I laugh at your silent face,
knowing you can never be honest alone.

Eyes open at 9 am,
breathing the fresh forest air.
Are you hungry for something you can't have?
never saying a word.

I'm waiting and waiting for you,
to decide which world you prefer.
Hey, leave the place you were born,
and hurry and follow me here.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


by me(whatever)
to: Miku- Goodbye April doppel

breath came out in clouds,
wafted up to the milky way.
And disappearing, it asked a question,
"Is anyone there?"
it said.

without seeing the shape,
shadow spilled on the snow.
crunching steps, and all of a sudden, silence,
"Is anything beyond here?"
it said.

fumbling the layers of a coat,
wind spills dust as it rushes through.
shivering from where it's been, it murmurs quietly,
"Can even you not see me?"
it said.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Never let me go

Never let me go
by me(whatever)
to: Florence + The Machine- Never Let Me Go

Never let me go,
all of these memories,
that make me who I am,
untrustworthy enough,
to keep that childhood promise.

I might tell you that I've solved them all,
those questions that torture your soul.
But you ask them because you don't see me,
and nobody can trust their own reflection.

I could tell you that you were wrong,
everything twisted to your own perception.
But you lie to yourself because you're afraid,
and you can only climb that wall alone.

Never let me go,
this nonexistence I lead,
like static on the wrong channel,
untrustworthy enough,
that no one can see who I am. 

I might tell you that you've stolen it all away,
the freedom I used to have, you spit it up,
like it was foul in your mouth, and couldn't sing you to sleep.
But if I told you..., you'd steal away those words.

I might tell you that I was like you,
unable to feel the other people around me.
But I've found my answer, a reason I'm alive,
and someone can only find that once they're dead.

Never let me go,
when I could believe,
when I was from the wild,
when I could be happy,
when I was a child.

There's nothing left of you.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


by me(whatever)
to: Hurting for a very hurtful pain

午前四時, clovers, children, a window with blinds half drawn,
an existence without any meaning,
it's time to die within dreams,
miss miss miss miss

A crack in the door, a peek from the closet, peering from the mirror, 少女,
ignorance within the pages of a book,
it's time for the lights to go out,
miss miss miss miss

corpse on the floor, moth, parade in the static, 獏さん,
eat away this nightmare reality,
it's time to remember what you asked,
miss miss miss miss

black pool of water, desert of people,the night raises up, questioning
stay away, stay away,
少女, what is it that you
miss miss miss miss


Monday, September 8, 2014

Apple Sauce

Apple Sauce
by me(whatever)

Oil drips from the handle,
the juice spills through the metal.
Turning the apples to mush,
my mother stirs the sauce over heat,
while it bubbles like caramel, refusing to settle.

The whole house is humid,
and smells like the almost burnt fruit.
Dark clouds from the window,
spooning abhorrent spheres from soup,
wooden pounder; smashing it down the chute.

The sun goes down,
the sky is in monochrome.
Glass jars in a pot of broiling wrath,
lids, ringers, and spilled mess,
it feels like home.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board
by me(whatever)

It was written on the bulletin board,
in another one of those illusions
a question beneath the reflections
so small, you could hardly even see it,
in a quiet, translucent, and dishonest pencil gray;
"Is there a meaning in life?"

Just passing by,
like the hundreds of other students every day,
who didn't bother to answer the invisible.
Well, just because I see it,
and just because I feel it,
Is that a good enough reason to answer you?

If a lifetime of memories
could remedy the lifetime itself,
with the pain, the joy, and the sorrow,
weaved in a personality one could say copied,
but who still asks annoying questions,
what would either of us find there?

There's a difference,
and that difference gaps time, experience, and yourself.
Already exposed to the societal ease,
the religious equations,
and the scientific telescopes,
would you be satisfied with my answer?

They want something substantial,
something to last forever.
But even the stars die, and the people turn to dust,
and the ash of existence fades away.
There's a limited time, and I'm afraid
that there isn't a meaning at all.

I would like to find the solution,
if only for my own selfish peace of mind.
That old food critic said "Chouquettes",
the concierge said "Camellias",
and even I said "Campanella",
but aren't these all the same?

I know, I'm backpedaling,
since I know that actually, you're a liar,
and that you're asking a different question entirely.
It doesn't always have to start in a "C"ea of ambiguity,
the answer could be found in an apple grove,
but how could I tell you so you understand?

You won't believe me,
so I can't write anything at all.
there is an eternity, no matter how small,
found in a place without buildings, bridges, or roads.
a meaning for your life;
you have to find it yourself.