Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fish Schools to the freezing Sea's

School has started, and it's more tiresome than I remember from 3 months ago. I'm hoping I'll get used to it.  Some of my teachers are penguins, and others are bald-headed, but most of them are just the same.  Anyways, I have some random music for you as always.  If you know about vocaloids, then you have probably heard this song before.  Saihate is a very beautiful piece of sadness.  What I found here on YouTube, however is a ukulele version with a cover voice by someone. I think I might like it better than the original. The piano version in the suggestions is also very mentionable.

Have you ever heard of a band named School Food Punishment? For their name, they actually have some serious songs. They are not to be messed around with. I like Butterfly Swimmer, and Sea-Through Communication. I wrote the poem underneath listening to Butterfly Swimmer, so the best way to read it is to listen to the song(while reading). I also like Futuristic Imagination and Light Prayer.  I'm tired.

Snowy Sea 8/25/11

Threw in by tidal moons,
and running as fast as you can,
your cold, visible breath sinks in the sky;
following the wind-blowing fan.

I remember a feeling called love,
I remember, because I want to change.
Swimming in that freezing aura,
I let go when I was in range.

It's not by chance I am here now,
though I stumble in puddled footsteps
quivering like ripples inside-out,
feeling white rain drop into depths.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Raining cats and dogs in Shangri-la (and chocolate)

School starts next week, and I'm still in a stage of non-believing. beautiful season of summer...*tears up*.  Whatever, I'll believe in justice and hope for an opening. (It is, after all, the sly and patient that win). I practically didn't anything this summer. Ha ha...

Well, a lot can can change in a week after you've just written. You just have to start thinking about it. Since last week, my second eldest brother got a dog (puppy as they say). It's some type of brown laprador, and it has the worst gas(ugh, kill me now). I was actually against the puppy department, because we already have a cat that has adopted us. As it turns out, the cat doesn't like the dog, and the dog either doesn't care about the cat, or is really afraid of it. The cat has been turning up less, and the house has been smelling worse. I like cats better than dogs, but I can't say I really hate dogs. I grew up with a big one, after-all. I know a whole bunch of people like dogs better than cats because they're loyal, and care more. I actually like cats because they care less. They can't be used, they're independent, they can draw blood, and can run away. They remind me of myself, or what I would like to be like. (I guess that means I don't care about other people, ha-ha)

I recently finished watching an anime called Shangri-la for the second time. It wasn't very popular, but I loved it. Especially the aspect of being able to blow up a tank with a boomerang *smiles*. It was released in 2009, which makes the last time I watched it 2 years ago. I was really sad when today I couldn't find a way to read the manga in english.  When something isn't popular, it's practically forgotten (things, not humans, emo's).  But, anyway, the anime was awesome, even though a lot of other people disagree. So if your reading this, you just gotta watch it! There's even a hint of romance! I'm sooo a fan of Kunihito x Kuniko! Eeek! You can watch this series on, or buy the series on ebay for around 20 bucks. It's just so...awesome...*sighs with dreaminess*. (you can tell I'm a real anime fan just from this, you don't have to even know anything else about me!) I'm actually a closet otaku.

I need to eat some chocolate.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

keys and locks abundant

The past few days I have been dragging my soul around with me, and I'm tired. Stuff has been happening, and I've been feeling pretty down.  But I did not make this blog to talk about boring sad stuff.  Today I was dragged by one of my family members to a boutique.  We were supposed to get gifts for some of my relatives that were visiting. We made these charm bracelets with keys and locks on them. They were adorable. But expensive.

I've been stuck on Suga Shikao for two days, and it will last for a while.  I really love afternoon parade and kono yubi tomare (stop at my finger). I put some links there so whoever reads this can listen to him to. It's just soo beautiful (tearing up). He's just freakin' awesome.

I was day-dreaming today(my most used hobby) and came up with a bit of a story while I was listening to music.  It kind-of resembles the host (tried to read but failed because of the lame-ness) , but not quite.  It was about a girl(me of course) who's spirit is being forced out of her body by an evil/another one.  She can't tell anyone whats going on because she doesn't trust anyone to believe her. She finds out that the way to get back into her body is to shock the other spirit/body. She finds out that if she is next to the guy she likes, it's easier to stay in her body.  But that also adds risk, because if she is next to that guy, and she is pushed out of her body, then how would the other spirit act?  She then goes to a school dance, and sits down next to the guy she likes. She is pushed out of her body.  Her spirit flies through a different guy, he feels and can hear her. He can't see her.  She tells him everything, and tells him to throw a pie at her body to shock her back.  When he does, it works and she is put back into her body, but everyone else is also shocked at how rude the guy is.  She shouts thank-you to everyone's surprise, and walks away. from that moment on, he always helps her, and of course they fall-in-love! She feels bad, though, because she's always causing problems for him. There are a whole lot of other issues, like how other people see whats happening, and what's really happening. There are also other scenes, like when she loses her spirit in english class, and the teacher is also involved (not that the teacher knows). Oh, and when she loses her spirit, her body becomes cold, and it's tough on her body, like her heart beat and stuff.  Yeah. It's a lot harder to write it down than think it. I didn't think it would take up this much room to write, whatever. I think it's really cute, though. What do you think? I didn't even tell you everything. But that's okay.

Locked Key

The world is a box of treasured hope
Not even wondering to open it, I stopped,
I looked at my past days and sighed
letting the passing cloud become sobbed.

It's walking by the pond that get's me down
Searching in the reflections for a suitable me
When I didn't find one, I became frusterated
and added some water no one else could see.

I can remember that tired night I saw that star
My chest became choked up, and I apologized
"I'm sorry you saw me," and I closed up
that I would never catch up is what I realized.

I want something to believe in
though I can't help but see the faults
if only I had pure eyes, then maybe
I could see the beauty in a stumbling waltz.

Now I don't need anything again
it's not a lie as usual water
I walked out into the city like a flea
The sun shined down and only got hotter.

Blue against an orange afternoon
marching on the gravel pathway
I remembered to look back
and saw a box unopened where it will stay.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sky Bells mon. 6/6/11

* poem I wrote in June. One of my favorites.

Skybells ringing in a wistful night
echo to the other side of my mind;
the umbrella of a dream of sighs
and blank paper completely lined.

Misty music seeks for the moon,
and over a golden lake she glides,
running over long forgotten treasures;
covering reflections broken by the tides.

drops of rain step down from the clouds,
and holding hands with the wind;
she creates a clamped melody of blue
rippling stars, a sound that can't be thinned.

Quietly sleeping souls within a blanket of leaves,
and memories that flow as waves in the sea
feeling anew those gratitudes of hope,
knowing they will always be free.

Friday, August 5, 2011


It feels weird to read over the posts I did for my English class. They're really......lame. Anyways, nobody knows (yay, Suga Shikao! did anyone get that?) about this blog, and I think I intend to keep it that way. I'm a bit of a shy person, after all. I've been pretty bored lately, as it is summer, and I need to take a shower 'cause my hair is greasy(yuk). It seems Summer is coming to a rapid close.  It actually doesn't feel as bad as I thought it would be. I can deal with school, though it's tiresome. There's one question I'm dreading, though.  It's the ever classic " so what did you do this summer?" question invented by the teachers.  Like they're implying I actually Had to do something.  Isn't the point of summer to do nothing, and sleep in being the laziest person you possibly can?  Human logic is all backwards. Anyways, I'm changing the subject.

None of you know this except for my family, but I'm a huge fan of anime soundtracks. Of course that means I like anime too. A film can be decided in it's awesomeness because of the music, like a horror movie. Sound is not everything, of course, there also has to be the general shivers of art, humor, and above all epic cheesiness. And leading up to my main point, Here is Desiderium, which is from maho shoujo madoka magica. It gives me a nice feel. I also like Postmeridie. Just little 'ol life. You know? Anyways, I'm hungry, and I'm done writing for the moment. laters!