Monday, November 4, 2013

Winter Footsteps

Winter Footsteps
by me(whatever)
to Hiro no Hoshi and miku- aurora

The first day of winter,
a step on the dying grass
frosted letters from the mailbox,
rustling in my arms.

the sky glazes over in gray
Like an old photograph,
the world is tipped in black

To take a breath is stinging,
a frozen cleanliness empties our lungs.
in a solitary silence
you make hand-prints in the snow.

Time is so fast,
yet in these months it seems to stand still.

You hold out your thumb,
creating a human compass.
Night falls at 5 O'clock
illuminating our footsteps.

The trees have shed their umbrellas,
coats, and clothes.
Passing by,
I feel like looking back a little.

Because I get the feeling
we're in a snow-globe.

The moon echoes from here,
a quiet sound like a music box.
Swallowing this pure white setting,
I leave in cold feet.

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