Tuesday, November 6, 2012


by me(Whatever)
My body is composed of limbs,
arms and arms, that's all
and a mouth contained in my stomach,
the center of my being.

I am named after wishes in the sky,
though no light shines in myself,
and though the mirror between reflects us,
I am alive.

No eyes to grasp the future,
and just crawling on the ground,
"Why are you lying down?"
"Why are you standing?"

I devour the creator of the pearl,
call me cruel, call me a monster,
I am a survivor,
still regenerating broken limbs.

Soon, though, the waves knock me ashore,
a sandy, dry outline,
and as my breathing fades, I realize
I should have never let go.

But a shadow suddenly covers me,
and I am lifted by a small hand
"Why are you lying down?" I'm asked,
and I'm cast into the air

I can breathe again, and if I can live like this
With the waves rushing over me,
My five limbs like those fingers,
Will I finally be able to stand?

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