Saturday, November 17, 2012

If I could Become the Rain

If I could Become the Rain
by me(whatever)

I love the rain.
When it falls,
I listen to the melody.
The clouds stop by,
and shed their grace on every surface
the sidewalk, the newspaper stand, the spinning umbrella's,
the leaves of acceptance, and dripping down, gently,
on your face.

If I could become the rain,
perhaps I could meet you again
caressing your cheek as you look up with those
beautiful eyes
Would you listen to my song?
My voice is distanced,
but can it reach your ears?

In diagonal lines,
rushing down like running silver
I know you love vibrant color,
but will you enjoy my gray?
This is my own selfish wish, but
Please don't just wait for the sun

I don't mind
if you avoid my puddles,
I don't mind.
If I fade away with this brief time,
If you avoid my cold touch,
If the umbrella's stop spinning,
I only want
to cover the world
In my affection for you.

it's okay
if you only want me to pass away,
But, if you want,
I am there for you to sing and dance.
I will dance with you,
I will sing for you
With the streaks of light peeping through,
your figure illuminates with the sky
My only wish,
My only hope,
If my voice will reach you;
I love you. 



  1. you should put a little tune with it. You know, make a song.

    1. Yeah, it does sound that doesn't it? I just wouldn't know where to start.

  2. hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Try playing some random tunes on your clarinet and/or piano to see which one fits your song
