Friday, February 1, 2013

Pursuing Stars and the Future

Pursuing Stars and the Future
by me(whatever)

Slowly opening my eyes,
viewing a moon the size of my palm,
I held my tears against my pillow.

burrowing further into my blankets,
an empty exhaustion suddenly overtakes.
Because I realized who I was,
at last,
I escaped into a vision of stars.

Unexplainable darkness curtains
from the ceiling to my invisible toes.
A goddess talking outside the room,
a long, long way away from here.

Alone with the ghosts around me,
the pen wobbled in my hand,
holding unutterable words

How long do the same days stretch,
ahead of this body reduced to smoke?

How long do I remain here?

How long do I continue to dream?

In the way vapors hold their breath,
I wish to continue this existence pulled of a black hole.
Somehow with the future given me,
please, can I escape my vision of scars?

With the paper clips of another world,
I sent a letter full of cowardly words.
How long do I run away?

Why is the Earth round?
I'm slipping off on the corners-
My mouth is frozen to my tongue,
winding phrases only heard
by the shadows in my bedroom.

If you stopped to notice,
you'd realize the future is unmeasurable.

Drifting like dust to disappear,
I coldly collect abandoned things.
Raveling with a wind sent of constellations,

I collect my visions of stars.

A bottle of lint in my closet,
I spread them around the bottomless sky.
silently watching snow fall through years.

Electric plug connecting to the comet,
clinging desperately to the tail.
I search my empty mind
for a once loved color-

Give it back to me

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