Friday, August 16, 2013


by me(whatever)
to Kagerou Days

The ones with two legs,
they continue pestering me.

They mimic the things they want me to do,
as though I don't understand.
But for that, it won't matter.

Ignorant in their amazed faces,
they black out in like an old photograph.
The small ones scream,
"Look! Look!"

and there I am.

a beast in their perspective,
brown grass sprouting over my back.
A treasure as long as it's put away,
a life valued to be seen.

They like shoving sticks into my hands,
scratching lines on a white sheet.
What more do they want from me?

Even I can see from here,
that it's for the canary's survival.

But it doesn't matter,
isn't the world more than this room?
Somehow I want to go home,
though I've forgotten where it is.

This is no good,
none of this is any good.
I speak,
but plugged up in their pretty visions
they can't hear me.

I'm me,
I'm just me.
But they can't see me.
They don't know me.

So colorful,
in their skins
they taunt me.

I make an attempt.

Scratching the only things
I've known my entire life. 

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