Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Empty Replacement

Empty  Replacement
by me(whatever)
to miku- Someone who sings songs

an empty pair of shoes,
no longer to be filled.
It might be put on display,
or more likely thrown away.

The ghost by the window,
it billows with a movement from outside.
People's voices overload my senses,
though it's empty- everything.

Ask me something,
though I'm just gurgling water.
it's all I can muster
from a paper jam.

They're calling,
the visions of thousand of shoes.
Thrown away, dirty, and still walking;
goodbye, my dear.

The paper lifts
and falls to be trod on.
your words are useless,
swallowed up in abandon.

I'm not just taking up someone's place,
because their shoes have disappeared.
But the names are overlapping,
and I've lost my own.

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